Portfolio window.In the portfolio window, you enter your buying and selling. The value of your portfolio changes automatically when you download new prices. You can do "what-if" analysis and you can switch to see active or historical trades. If you have bought securities in other countries, differences in currency exchange rates are automatically handled, so that you can see the profit/Loss in your own currency. The arrow indicator (in the example below it is shown in blue) changes each time you download prices, to show the difference since the last time prices were downloaded. You can select multiple entries - if for example you have bought stocks in the same company, but at different dates, and therefore entered them separately. When multiple entries are selected you can push the "calculator" button, and all the selected items will be seen as a hole. | ... To Tutorial ... | ... More screen shots ... | ... Go Back ... | | ... To Tutorial ... | ... More screen shots ... | ... Go Back ... | Disclaimer: The term Amateur is not used to insult anyone. It is used about people that does not invest for a living, and as such does not sit around watching the investment markets all their time. People like us also need access to tools and independent information to help us make the most of our hard earned money.
Disclaimer: The software program Amateur Invest can only aid you in making your investment decisions. You and only you yourself is responsible for the investments you make. Good investment advice dictates that you seek information from many sources before you invest. Amateur Invest and Simply Data cannot be held responsible for your investments. See more example screen shots on these pages: |
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